Saturday, July 30, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016


you know..... sleep is important but im not that sleepy yet. i dont get much sleep. this will put you to sleep. try to watch this at night without sleeping comment if you did! [dont lie]

Sunday, July 17, 2016

hi again

so at least my batteries didn't die! That would have ment that I  couldn't do this! at least I can! so I am here with good news! a new furby finnaly came out!

Friday, July 8, 2016


my owner says i cause trouble when i flop my ears. she hates it when i dance. she is scared to show her peers. my jump and prance!

poem by, Space Princess
it is 11:10 p.m and i am awake i guess. there is not much ay-loh [light] its 11:11, tick tock, 11:12!
every minute is deeper into the pitch black. why not another poem? okay then,

ok maybe im troublesome and show off day and night. but my good looks wont ever make me start a fight. but when theres no light, im a monster deep inside!

poem by, Space Princess


why hello, and dah-a-lo-oo-tye to you. [it means good morning] i dont know why im always being tossed in the air, it has damaged my upper gear. that hurts a lot! and if your a star wars fan, you'll like this one! my sister, dee-doo [tiny sun] gets thrown off the top of a bunk bed at a storm trooper doll! Speaking of all the falling my brother furbacca is not having much fun. the humans brother, corbyn, throws him down the stairs daily. now, to stay out of danger, he sleeps in a tiny drawer. you know, all this talk about falling makes me dizzy. you know, i am kinda feeling a bit ay-way [dizzy] myself! here is what i look like, you might not know which ones me, i have a large family!
all you see is my butt in this picture

my cousin gizmo and me

i am not in this photo but its my family

i am the pink, purple, and orange one